Discover Yourself In Thailand

“We cannot become what we want to be by remaining what we are.”- Max DePree
Why Thailand?
In 2019, I was having one of the hardest years of my life. I had just changed careers to one that I was unsure about. I was extremely depressed and my anxiety had gotten so bad that I couldn't be around people without literally feeling afraid. I felt bad all the time and despite there not being anything so terrible in my life, I FELT terrible. None of the things I enjoyed were bringing me enjoyment and I was just over it. I wanted to run away. What I didn't know then was that I wasn't trying to run away from myself but I was trying to run towards myself, but either way I decided that I could not live the way I had been and I decided to do something drastic, go to a foreign country, alone.

My experience in Thailand was one that was cleansing, revealing, exciting, and most of all rejuvenating, to my mind, body and spirit.
It is my honor and my pleasure to share the experience of one of my favorite places with you.

Long story short (I may share this with you one day) I ended up in Thailand, with a ticket that would keep me there for the next 5 weeks. It was the most different place I could think of. I had never been to Asia and really knew nothing about Thailand. I thought, I will go over here and I will leave all my problems at home. I will say yes to whatever comes my way. I will be open and meet people. I will make it a point to get out of my comfort zone. And boy did I! I made friends from around the world. I ate foods I'd never seen or heard of and I did all kinds of activities that aren't even available here in the United States.

2025 Retreats

Self Discovery
An opportunity to connect with yourself while exploring a new place.This retreat offers thoughtful workshops and practical opportunities for you to explore and practice self study and self acceptance while embarking on exciting adventures in a beautiful place.

A rejuvenating retreat focused on detoxing, restoration and reconnection. You will be immersed in the healing practices of yoga, breathwork, tai chi, and more, all while in a place that fosters stillness, calm and tranquility. You will experience the bliss and vitality that results from alignment and inner peace.