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Discover Yourself In Thailand

An adventure retreat that will bring you back to your body, connecting your inner world and outer world in ways that only living embodied can give you.

“We cannot become what we want to be by remaining what we are.”- Max DePree

Why Thailand?


In 2019, I was having one of the hardest years of my life. I had just changed careers to one that I was unsure about. I was extremely depressed and my anxiety had gotten so bad that I couldn't be around people without literally feeling afraid. I felt bad all the time and despite there not being anything so terrible in my life, I FELT terrible. None of the things I enjoyed were bringing me enjoyment and I was just over it. I wanted to run away. What I didn't know then was that I wasn't trying to run away from myself but I was trying to run towards myself, but either way I decided that I could not live the way I had been and I decided to do something drastic, go to a foreign country, alone.



Why now?


2024 will be my 5th anniversary of my first time in Thailand and I want to share that experience with others that can relate to my story above. People who want to get out and explore the world but may be a little hesitant. People who are stuck in a shell that they want to get out of. People who want to see who they are outside of the environment they've always been in. People who love adventure and want to share it with other adventure seekers. I can not wait to share this love with you!


Long story short (I may share this with you one day) I ended up in Thailand, with a ticket that would keep me there for the next 5 weeks. It was the most different place I could think of. I had never been to Asia and really knew nothing about Thailand. I thought, I will go over here and I will leave all my problems at home. I will say yes to whatever comes my way. I will be open and meet people. I will make it a point to get out of my comfort zone. And boy did I! I made friends from around the world. I ate foods I'd never seen or heard of and I did all kinds of activities that aren't even available here in the United States. 


Self Discovery

There will be various workshops that will assist you in diving deeper into your life experience, reaching parts of you that you may not be familiar with. What is it like to live an embodied life? That is one of the major questions we will explore together.



You will have the opportunity to do many activities that you can only do in Thailand! You will be exposed to things you've never seen or heard before and get to know life through the lens of a culture that is very different from your own, (unless you're Thai lol)



You will receive bodywork and energy work from me. As well as experience what it's like to experience massage and body work from an ancient system that's been around for thousands of years! You will learn techniques to relax your body and harness your energy.

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Date: November 6-12, 2024

Cost: $2,858 per person ($300 non-refundable deposit)


  • 3-6 virtual classes on Thai customs and language preparation prior to retreat

  • Airport pickup & drop off (airfare not included)

  • Accommodations in a private room

  • All excursions and planned activities

  • Massage from Carmen the host

  • Pre-planned group dinners

  • Assistance with planning solo activities 



Are you interested in joining me in 2025? Fill out the form below to be the first notified when the 2025 retreat goes live.

2025 Retreat Interest Form

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